Thinking about asking other dyslexics about their own reading experiences?
Feel free to write back with thoughts or ideas if you think those are the questions I should be asking??
1. Do you read for pleasure or for work related reasons?
2. What is your favourite genre and why?
3. When you read a book, can you picture the story in your head ?
4. Do you often need to re-read a chapter in order to understand what is going on?
5. Are you able to remember characters and plot lines with ease? If not, why?
6. Would do you feel would make reading easier for you?
A) line spacing?
B. ) colour ?
C ) audio?
D) storyboard?
E) all of the above
F) other
7. If you chose 'other', what would you recommend?
8. What aspects make a book make it harder for you to follow and enjoy?
A) too many characters
B ) too much detail
C) words spaced too closely together
D) all of the above
E) other
8. If you chose 'other', please explain:
9. Have you been able to finish a story? Or has dyslexia made it too much effort to do so?
10. Do you prefer comics over standard books? Explain your answer:
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